Our Recent Programs
The Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning’s (FILL) programs transform learning into life experiences. Our approach is driven by pedagogical strategies for literacy and learning in the classroom and across multiple subject areas. Our programs and resources build stronger 21st Century Skills and allow students to apply and integrate concepts from our programs into their daily lives through project-based application. The power of experiential learning has been highly successful in our educational programs.
FILL has worked closely with our donors to bring authentic educational programs to schools within varying curriculum areas. ConAgra worked with FILL to create a program incorporating research and advocacy for fighting hunger insecurity. Allstate Foundation’s support brought a program on driver safety to students. Office Depot Foundation worked with us to create lessons and a competition that showed students how to become aware of careers for their future. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing engaged students in understanding how money and the economy works. These are just a few of the many fine programs brought by donors and FILL to students throughout the United States.
Explore. Act. Tell.
Explore.Act.Tell. teaches young people to become aware of food insecurity issues in their neighborhoods. They will practice skills needed to become good citizens and advocate for community involvement and service. Through four interactive lessons, students will create and implement a hunger solution project and develop a promotional PSA video.
Explore.Act.Tell includes lessons and a challenge for students in grades 6-12.
Program is funded by :Albertsons Companies Foundation Nourishing Neighbors program.
Student Eco Citizenship Program
The Student Eco Citizenship Program, inspires students in grades 5-8 across New Jersey to work as teams to explore environmental issues. Teams follow lessons that guide them to conduct research and solutions to an environmental issue, create an action plan, act and evaluate and lasty, share, submit and celebrate their environmental solution. Students may also enter their team’s solutions into the statewide competition with the opportunity to be awarded prizes.
Program funded by: Panasonic Foundation

The Lead4Change Student Leadership program was created 10 years ago by the Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning (FILL) with donations from the LiftaLife Foundation. Lead4Change grew to more than 18,000 participating educators and has engaged 2 million students since 2012. The program is now operated by David Novak Leadership, Inc.
Help Our Teachers
The foundation began its first fundraiser to help educators in 2020 as the pandemic made the work of our frontline teachers tougher.
In this program, teachers across the U.S. are invited to apply for a grant of up to $500 to help them with expenses related to a special project or classroom supplies they will need for teaching in virtual, hybrid or in person school scenarios.

Kid Witness News
KWN is a global student team video production competition. It is open to New Jersey students ages 10-18. student teams are asked to create a three- minute (or less) video on a global social issue. The social issue must align with one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as identified by the United Nations.
Students then follow the educational process of: researching, thinking, planning and producing as they create their video entry. They are encouraged to be creative, use their communication skills and to work together as a team. Winning teams from the U.S. compete with students from other countries in a KWN Global Summit and will be awarded exciting prizes.
Past Programs

Child Hunger Ends Here
Child Hunger Ends Here, focused on ending child hunger in the U.S. Student lessons were created to prompt students to take action and activate a campaign to collect food donations for hunger organizations in their community. Students were also asked to create a PSA on hunger and encouraged to submit their entry into a national competition.
Program funded by: ConAgra Foods

X the TXT
X THE TXT, a contest for high school students to help raise the awareness about the dangers of texting while driving. Students were asked to create a poster and take a pledge not to text and drive. Winners awarded various prizes.
Program funded by: Allstate Foundation

Healthy Teens
Healthy Teens, a cross-curricular health and wellness literacy program to motivate middle school students to build a better quality of life. This initiative enabled middle school students to connect with ACC student athletes in the classroom. Together, they learned about the importance of healthy eating, physical activity and discovered how to make positive lifestyle decisions.
Program funded by: United Way

Dream Up
Dream UP, a 16-week career exploration program that helps students identify and utilize 21st century workforce skills. Students create their own career portfolio and write a 500-word essay about their “Dream Job;” Each essay is entered into a nationwide contest for students to win one day in their dream job.
Program funded by: Office Depot Foundation

AT&T Foundation
Our foundation collaborated with the AT&T Foundation, a proud partner of the U.S. Olympic Team, to develop and deliver to 400 classrooms a program called CONNECTIONS! A Global Education Initiative. This exciting classroom project-based learning curriculum was designed to promote students’ understanding of world cultures and the values of the U.S. Olympic spirit. Classes studied how technology and new scientific discoveries both resolve and create global issues. Students explored international cultures, history, technology and more in conjunction with the Olympics. Class teams were eligible to enter a national competition focused on global education.
Program funded by: AT&T Foundation